Today the saleswoman at the grocery store happily told me that she is going on vacation for 2 weeks from tomorrow. I wished her a pleasant vacation, not like the one a year ago, when she broke her leg the day before going on vacation, or like the one 2 years ago, when she broke a toe. She told me that she also noticed the “habit” of breaking something right before going on vacation and thought a lot about it. I could see that she was afraid of breaking something again and asked her what she thought had happened. She replied that she really wants to rest on vacation, just lie in bed doing nothing, but the family wants to travel, visit places. In the last years before she went on leave she wanted this so much and expressed her wish so eloquently that it came true. I mean she sat in bed with her leg in a cast and watched TV until she was bored. The universe always gives you what you ask for with all your heart, and in her case it was total rest on vacation. Of course, she didn’t mean a broken leg, but that detail was up to the Universe. Otherwise, how could he fulfill her wish, if she was not able to open her mouth and talk to the family: “family, I don’t want to walk on the cobblestones, I’m broken after a year of work and all I want is rest. You go where you want, I’ll stay at home with the dog”. Because in the end that’s exactly what happened, but not because she expressed her disagreement with the family, but because she had a material, plausible, irremovable reason: she broke her leg, and another year only a toe.
I remember something similar happened to me. After a busy period I expressed my desire to lie in bed for a week, so that I could rest, with just as much vehemence. I was heard, and the next day I got a bad cold, I didn’t eat anything or lift my head from the pillow for 3 days, and it took me another 4 days to get back on my feet. A week, exactly as I wanted. Why did this happen? Because during that busy period I had neglected other duties and would certainly not have rested, as I wished, but would have done other things.
You’ve probably heard of the law of attraction, the two situations above are a good example. The girl from the grocery store and I attracted, through the power of thoughts, feelings and words, exactly what we wanted. But the Universe knew that we could not have fulfilled these wishes, so it helped us. You know what they say: be careful what you wish for, it just might come true. We didn’t want a broken leg and a cold, but rest, and since we weren’t able to give ourselves that rest, we unintentionally used the law of attraction. And it was given to us.
It is difficult, but not impossible, to use the law of attraction when you are content, happy and everything is going well. You don’t have the same force that despair, helplessness, exhaustion gives you. When everything is going well you don’t want anything, what more could you want? But when you wish out of despair and pain you can only attract despair and pain. Because you attract what you are, what you already have. You only attract situations from your energy level, from your neighborhood, so to speak. If you don’t know how to rest, to sit on the couch doing nothing except when something hurts or you are dead beat tired, how can the Universe make you rest? You would feel guilty for sitting around for nothing (in my case) or you wouldn’t be able to tell your husband and children that you don’t want to roam the mountains (in the case of the girl from the grocery store). So before we want a wild goose on our yard we’d better make sure we have a place to keep it and something to feed it.