This is a light cake, with only 2 tablespoons of honey and compote syrup. It is easy to prepare, in 15 minutes it is ready, provided you have the almond ricotta prepared beforehand. It is a healthy cake with fruits and agar agar. If you have not used agar agar before, I advise you to try it. Agar agar is a type of plant based gelatin, extracted from a seaweed. It has no taste and smell, practically no calories, most of its content consists of fibers and has many vitamins and minerals. Its gelling capacity is activated by mixing with liquid and boiling with it.
- 400 grams of ricotta
- A grated spoonful of agar agar
- 250 ml of compote juice
- Pineapple compote (one can)
- 2 spoons of honey
- One teaspoon each of vanilla and lemon essences
Recipe Method
We prepare the cake pan, because it will be ready quickly and we need the pan to be close at hand. I have a small, round pan with removable edges. Cut the pineapple into bite-sized pieces. A few pieces are kept for decoration, and the rest is mixed with ricotta, honey and fragrant essences. Agar agar is placed in a kettle together with the 250 ml of juice from the compote. Place the kettle on the stove and bring to a boil, stirring continuously. Leave for 1 minute after it starts to boil, then pour over the other ingredients and mix well.
We move quickly, because agar agar hardens immediately and we will no longer be able to form the cake nicely. So we mix quickly and just as quickly pour the composition into the pan and level. If necessary, wet a knife with warm water so that we can place its surface nicely. Garnish with the pineapple pieces, then refrigerate for at least an hour. I also put a flower in the middle and some colored coconut flakes and it turned out to be a beautiful cake, tasty, healthy and photogenic.